Hi, I'm Andrea.
I see photography as the art of paying attention through creativity and connection. A lifelong learner, I enrolled in a photography class at Washtenaw Community College after recovering from a traumatic health event. Viewing photography as part of my spiritual healing practice, I love to create in collaborative and meditative spaces. I've enjoyed opportunities to learn and grow through the WCC photography program, including the In Transit Ann Arbor Art Center exhibition and volunteering with the Life Images portrait project with the UM Cancer Center. Most recently, I have experimented with small film and polaroid projects as I witness life during the pandemic.
Creativity gives me freedom to connect with others and create a new perspective, together. My portrait projects help me see in entirely new ways as I connect with the person in front of me. This creative endeavor, where we can make an artistic interpretation of life as we are experiencing it in the present moment, energizes me.
But who am I, really?
I am a work in progress, unfolding, evolving, becoming. I am a moment in time, perfect and whole and beautiful.
I am a here and now stone, a grounding reminder of presence, of wholeness, of connectedness, of nowness.
I am a hidden yellow daffodil, seeking refuge in the rooting, the grounding, the planting. I am growing towards the light, receiving and releasing energy.
I am an aura, a unique expression of the universe’s energy. I am a light, shining, illuminating, brightly.
I am a whole body, a healing presence, a restorative posture, a celebratory movement.
I am a meditative savasana, a lightness, a softness, a stillness.
I am a creative. I am an artist. I create as an act of spiritual connection. I create to celebrate life, in this moment, while we are here, connected, living. I create to express a moment worth receiving and releasing, a light and energy worth reflecting.
I am grateful.
I am grateful for the resources and opportunities that have supported my creative development:
Washtenaw Community College Digital Media Arts Photography Program
Washtenaw Community College Annual Student Art Show 2018
Ann Arbor Art Center In Transit Art Show 2017
UM Cancer Center Life Images Portrait Program 2017 and 2018
and friends who believe in me to help them find their own magic.